
Topical Term


Seventeen-year-old Will's behavior has been getting him in trouble at his all-boys school in Sydney, Australia, but his latest punishment, playing in the band for a musical production, gives him new insights into his fellow students and helps him cope with an incident he has tried to forget.
Cover image of Will

Better Nate than ever

An eighth-grader who dreams of performing in a Broadway musical concocts a plan to run away to New York and audition for the role of Elliot in the musical version of "E.T.".

Costumes and makeup

Offers high school students an overview of what it takes to create costumes and apply makeup for stage shows.


Introduces the reader to the role of directing high school musicals, with advice on casting calls, arrangements, and rehearsals.

Stage management and production

Explains the role stage managers play in high school stage productions, describing how they help the actors, director, crew, and house manager ensure the show runs smoothly.

Scenery and set design

Offers high school students an overview of the set design process, explaining what makes a good set, how they are built, what materials are needed, and how they impact a show's final result.

Dance and choreography

Provides an overview of the dancing and choreography involved in staging a high school musical, with tips on conducting auditions, holding rehearsals, preparing for opening night, and mastering the steps.


from audition to performance
Offers high school students interested in acting advice on getting a part in their school's musical, discussing auditions, casting, rehearsals, and the final performance.

May and the music show

Luna, Ruby, and May are busy practicing for the Fairy Hill music show, and together they perform beautifully--but when it is time for Luna's solo song she freezes up, and it is up to May and her bells to help overcome Luna's stage fright.

Javi takes a bow

"Javi is painfully shy. English is his second language and he struggles with his speech. Rather than communicating in broken English, Javi prefers not to speak at all. That is, until The Club holds auditions for Javi's favorite musical. Can Javi overcome his fear of speaking in front of people to audition for the part?"--Back cover.
Cover image of Javi takes a bow


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