graphic novels

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graphic novels

Ultimate comics

Spider-Man Miles Morales battles his uncle, the Prowler, while trying to stop the Scorpion from taking over the New York City underworld.

Ultimate comics

Teenager Miles Morales is Spider-Man now but he still has real-life struggles: someone has learned his secret, his father hates Spider-Man, his uncle (the Prowler) is in town, and the Scorpion is hot on his trail.

Ultimate comics

When a reporter who claims to know the identity of the new Spider-Man is found and killed by Venom, her information leads the creature straight to Miles Morales' door -- and to his father, whom Venom believes is the masked hero. With the help of Gwen Stacy and Mary-Jane Watson, Miles devises a plan to stop Venom before it can do any more harm.

Secret Avengers

Captain America and his team of Secret Avengers battle the Shadow Council on a series of six covert missions to save the world.

The perfect summer

Lou and her friends find romance when they spend summer vacation at a posh beach house, while Lou's mother travels on a book tour for her new science fiction novel.

Here comes...Daredevil

When Daredevil comes in possession of an artifact known as the Omega Drive, which contains incriminating information on the criminal conglomerate known as Megacrime, he comes under fire not only from villains but from the Punisher as well, who hopes to take the drive and use it to strike at Megacrime himself.


When a piece of valuable technology goes missing from Horizon Labs and Black Cat is blamed, Daredevil and Spider-Man team up to clear her name and recover the device.


When Chickenhare, a chicken crossed with a rabbit, and his friend Abe, a turtle, are captured by Klaus, an evil, insane taxidermist, they escape with the help of their new-found friends Banjo and Meg, but Klaus pursues them.

Wonder Woman

Supposed to be the daughter of the Amazon Queen, Diana, a.k.a. Wonder Woman, is taken out of her country to discover her true lineage, just as the sun god Apollo strikes out to take the throne of his father, Zeus.

Here comes-- Daredevil

Avenger Hank Pym enters Matt Murdock's mind to fight sensory-deprivation robots implanted by Dr. Doom. Meanwhile, Murdock's best friend and partner ends their relationship. Murdock is doubting his own sanity when new villain the Coyote arrives in town.


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