Folger Shakespeare Library

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Henry V

Contains Henry V, Shakespeare's tragedy in which young King Henry of England asserts a hereditary claim to the throne of France, gathering an army and embarking on a course that will lead to one of England's greatest battlefield triumphs; and includes detailed notes, an introduction to Shakespeare's language, and essays about his life, theater and publication of his works.

Twelfth night, or, What you will

Presents Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night," in which Viola, having disguised herself as a man, falls in love with her employer, Duke Orsino; while Olivia, the object of Orsino's attentions, is attracted to Viola, believing her to be male.

The tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice

Contains William Shakespeare's "Othello," in which Iago, jealous of Othello's successes in the army of Venice, plots against him, pretending to be his friend while planting seeds of doubt about the faithfulness of his wife, Desdemona; and includes detailed notes as well as scene-by-scene plot summaries, a key to famous lines and phrases, an introduction to the language of the author, a scholarly essay, and illustrations.

The tragedy of King Lear

Presents an annotated copy of William Shakespeare's 'The tragedy of King Lear.'.

The tragedy of Julius Caesar

Contains full explanatory notes opposite edited text of one of the earliest printed editions of Shakespeare's play. Also includes notes on his language, theater, life, a bibliopraphy, and a contemporary essay on the play.
Cover image of The tragedy of Julius Caesar

The life of Henry V

New Folger library edition of Shakespeare's play.

The merchant of Venice

Presents an annotated edition of Shakespeare's dark comedy about young lovers and a Jewish money lender who demands a pound of flesh in payment for a debt.
Cover image of The merchant of Venice

The tragedy of Macbeth

Shakespeare's tragedy of prophecy and royal murder in medieval Scotland.
Cover image of The tragedy of Macbeth

The tragedy of Othello

the moor of Venice

The life of King Henry the Fifth

Contains the text of the play, information about Shakespeare and his theater, bibliography, key to famous lines and phrases, and explanatory notes.


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