measure for measure

measure for measure

Shakespeare for students

critical interpretations of Shakespeare's plays and poetry
Collection of essays by Shakespeare scholars that have been selected for students at the high school or undergraduate college level. Each entry includes an introduction; a plot synopsis; a character list; a discussion of the work's principal themes; information about the style and literary devices used; a conversation about the work's historical context; and a critical overview.

William Shakespeare

the problem plays
Critical discussion of three Shakespeare plays, Troilus and Cressida, All's Well that Ends Well, and Measure for Measure, that defy attempts to classify them as either comedy, romance, tragedy, or satire.

William Shakespeare

comedies, histories, and tragedies
Series of lectures on Shakespeare and his works.

William Shakespeare

the problem plays
Critical discussion of three Shakespeare plays, Troilus and Cressida, All's Well that Ends Well, and Measure for Measure, that defy attempts to classify them as either comedy, romance, tragedy, or satire.

Measure for measure

While Duke Vincentio is away, his appointee, Angelo turns justice on its head and engages in moral hypocrisy. Includes a new introduction, a scene-by-scene synopsis, commentary on past productions, photographs, and a chronology of Shakespeare's works.

Measure for measure

Provides a critical introduction to the play and an incisive interpretation.

Measure for measure

Presents the text of the play in which Duke Vincentio deputizes Angelo to enforce the city's long-ignored laws and takes on a disguise to observe the proceedings. Includes notes on vocabulary.
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