heart of darkness

heart of darkness

Colonialism in Joseph Conrad's Heart of darkness

Explores the concept of colonialism in Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness," with background information on the author.
Cover image of Colonialism in Joseph Conrad's Heart of darkness

Heart of darkness

search for the unconscious

Heart of darkness

Joseph Conrad
Contains a complete plot summary and analysis of Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkeness", as well as discussion of the characters and themes, and includes study questions.

Heart of darkness

an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism

Joseph Conrad and Rudyard Kipling, Heart of darkness, "The man who would be king" and other works on empire

Contains stories, poems, novellas, and other works that explore empire and imperialism, including works by Joseph Conrad and Rudyard Kipling.

Colonialism in Joseph Conrad's Heart of darkness

Explores colonialism in Joseph Conrad's, Heart of darkness, as a work of literature through the lens of the major social issue reflected in it, and features carefully-selected content representing a variety of perspectives.

Joseph Conrad's Heart of darkness

A guide to studying Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness, " featuring an introduction, a profile of the author, background notes, a character list, a summary and analysis, selections from critical essays on the work, and an annotated bibliography.

Readings on Heart of darkness

An anthology of critical essays that provide a wide range of information and opinion about the early twentieth-century novel "Heart of Darkness, " and its author Joseph Conrad.

Heart of darkness

authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
A comprehensive collection of critical commentaries on Joseph Conrad's classic novel "Heart of Darkness, " including those from contemporaries Henry James and Virginia Woolf; along with the complete text of the novel.


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