Altman, Linda Jacobs

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The decade that roared

America during prohibition
Discusses the social conditions of the decade during which prohibition was in effect, the results of the legislation, and its failure to preserve traditional values.

The Holocaust ghettos

Examines Hitler's plan to isolate European Jews in city ghettos and describes the bleak living conditions of the inhabitants.

Plague and pestilence

a history of infectious disease
Traces the battles that societies have waged against infectious diseases from the Black Death of the fourteenth century to the Ebola virus of more recent times.

Slavery and abolition in American history

Traces the history of slavery in the United States, focusing on the abolition movement and the final steps that freed an enslaved people.

The American Civil Rights movement

the African-American struggle for equality
Traces the African-American struggle for equality from slavery to the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s and beyond, and includes a chronology, chapter notes, and a glossary.

Impact of the Holocaust

Discusses the effects and legacy of the Holocaust, including the experiences of survivors, the urgency to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine, the need for a worldwide human rights policy, and the need to examine the terrible cost of racism and hatred.

Singing with Momma Lou

Nine-year-old Tamika uses photographs, school yearbooks, movie ticket stubs, and other mementos to try to restore the memory of her grandmother, who has Alzheimer's disease.

Human rights

issues for a new millennium
Explores the history of concern for human rights around the world, looking particularly at the internationalism begun in the last quarter of the twentieth century and its influence on human rights issues.

Celebrate Kwanzaa

Explores the history of Kwanzaa, first created in the 1960s in order to provide awareness of African-American heritage.

The politics of slavery

fiery national debates fueled by the slave economy
Examines the institution of slavery in America and explains how both politics and the economy influenced the nation's decisions on slavery for over three hundred years.


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