economic forecasting

Topical Term
economic forecasting

Global challenges

a world at risk
Analyzes many problems and issues that will occupy the world in the future, including population growth, energy, food, health, environment, terrorism, nuclear weapons, and communications.

World economy

what's the future?
Easy-to-understand terms explain what led to the economic crisis and what's being done to pull the United States and other countries out. While there are no easy answers, readers will be able to develop informed opinions about the issues.

The great unraveling

losing our way in the new century
Uses several of the author's newspaper columns in the New York Times to describe in chronological-order how George Bush's "boom economy" has failed.


why Japan is still on track to overtake the U.S. by the year 2000

Outrageous fortunes

the twelve surprising trends that will reshape the global economy
Economist Daniel Altman describes the risks and opportunities, hidden trends, society pressures, and policy endgames of the future. He predicts twelve challenges to the global economy, and offers advice for dealing with them successfully.


I.O.U.S.A. boldly examines the rapidly growing national debt and its consequences for the United States. Burdened with an ever-expanding government, increased international competition, overextended entitlement programs, and more.

The great unraveling

losing our way in the new century
This collection of think pieces looks at various post-Sept. 11 economic issues. New York Times columnist Krugman examines corporate scandals, the California energy crisis, and dissention within the Bush administration, and offers ideas for economic recovery.

21st century earth

opposing viewpoints
Considers different points of view on topics effecting the planet's future, such as population control, demographic trends, global ecology, technology, and the future of international relations.

America beyond 2001

opposing viewpoints
Presents opposing viewpoints on the future of America through discussion of social, technological, economic, ecological, and political factors.


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