Metzger, Steve

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The way I act

Examines how various children act when they are displaying feelings such as curiosity, responsibility, respect, and bravery and reveals how one's actions determine how one is viewed by others.

The little snowflake

A little snowflake falls from the sky hoping to be a part of the biggest and best snowman ever.

Detective Blue

Little Boy Blue grows up to be a top-notch detective and his latest case has him searching for Miss Muffet with the help of their nursery rhyme friends.

The tooth fairy loses a tooth

The Tooth Fairy travels all around the world leaving surprises for children who have lost a tooth, but when her own tooth falls out, the Tooth Fairy wonders who will leave her a special treat.

Five little penguins slipping on the ice

A counting book in which one by one the little penguins fall and hurt themselves, to the dismay of their mother and doctor.

Will Princess Isabel ever say please?

Princess Isabel has such bad manners that even though she has many chances to marry a handsome prince, each one is put off by her rudeness.

Wise up, silly owl!

Spotty Owl is left on his own with Father Owl leaves to help another animal, and Spotty sings songs for his friends Suzy Squirrel, Max Beaver, and Rosie Robin, providing advice that may or may not actually be of help.

We're going on a leaf hunt

Three friends venture out on a leaf hunt going over a mountain, through a forest, around a waterfall, across a lake, and back home again.


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