Timoken and his sister, Zobayda, under the protection of a forest jinni but pursued by evil virideed, straddle the world of men and the world of enchantments, seeking a home while remaining young by drinking a potion called Alixir.
Examines the different species of camels in the world including the two-humped Bactrian and one-humped Arabian camels, and llamas, where they live, how they have adapted to harsh climates, how humans use them, and how they raise their young.
While the camel sleeps, the jungle animals build a sand castle on his back which he always washes off in the ocean until the day the tide goes out and out and out.
Calamity Camel, weary and hot from carrying packs back and forth across the desert every day, learns that the grass is not always greener when she opts to take a skiing vacation in the mountains.