Faludi, Susan

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In the darkroom

The feminist author describes her struggle to come to terms with her estranged father's sex reassignment surgery. She reflects on her childhood, and explores how this new woman was connected to the silent and violent father she once knew. As she delves into her memories, she confronts the historical, political, religious, and sexual ramifications of identity in today's world.

The terror dream

fear and fantasy in post-9/11 America
A comprehensive analysis of America's psychological response to the September 11 terrorist attacks, examining the mindset that drove the media and modern culture to focus on the roles of men, women, and family.


the undeclared war against American women
An examination of women's crumbling status in American life and culture during the past decade.


the undeclared war against American women
An examination of women's crumbling status in American life and culture during the past decade.


the betrayal of the American man
Argues that many of the physical and emotional problems that men encounter aren't a product of biology, but of modern social tragedy.
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