foreign economic relations

Geographic Name
foreign economic relations

The Marshall Plan

America, Britain, and the reconstruction of Western Europe, 1947-1952

Should the U.S. do business with China?

A collection of fourteen essays that debates whether the United States should do business with China, discussing if trade benefits the U.S., the effects of economic engagement on the politics of China, recalls of products, exploitation of workers by the Chinese government, and other related topics.

The Lexus and the olive tree

Explains how globalization is shaping world affairs, how it replaced the Cold War system, how it is creating a single global market, its influence on domestic policies, and other related topics.

China, Inc.

how the rise of the next superpower challenges America and the world
Traces the Chinese economic structure and corporate growth over the last several years and examines how and why it has become the center of global capitalism that has surpassed that of the United States and the impact on operations around the world.


Contains twenty-seven essays in which the authors debate issues related to Africa, including the problems faced in the country, the spread of AIDS, the preservation of wild lands, and relief policies and initiatives.

The Beijing consensus

how China's authoritarian model will dominate the twenty-first century

Economic sanctions against a nuclear North Korea

an analysis of United States and United Nations actions since 1950
Contains nine essays discussing the history of U.S. and U.N. sanctions against North Korea since 1950, focusing on the six-nation agreement signed in February 2007 regarding the closure of North Korea's nuclear facility in exchange for economic aid and a security guarantee.

China shakes the world

a titan's rise and troubled future-- and the challenge for America
Describes how China's need for jobs, raw materials, energy, and new markets will dramatically reshape world trade and politics.


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