Bush, George

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All the best, George Bush

my life in letters and other writings
Organized chronologically, readers will gain insights into Bush?s career highlights?the oil business, his two terms in Congress, his ambassadorship to the UN, his service as an envoy to China, his tenure with the Central Intelligence Agency, and of course, the vice presidency, the presidency, and the post-presidency. They will also observe a devoted husband, father, and American. Ranging from a love letter to Barbara and a letter to his mother about missing his daughter, Robin, after her death from leukemia to a letter to his children written just before the beginning of Desert Storm, this collection is remarkable for Bush?s candor, humor, and poignancy.

Looking forward

George Bush shares his life story as well as his personal philosophy, goals, and hopes for the future.

All the best, George Bush

my life in letters and other writings
At the printing of this book, George Bush, forty-first president of the United States, does not plan to write his autobiography, so this collection of letters, diaries, and memos with his accompanying commentary must suffice. Organized chronologically, the book begins with eighteen-year-old George's letters to his parents during World War II.

All the best, George Bush

my life in letters and other writings
A collection of letters, diary entries, and memos help chronicle the life and political career of former president George Bush.

A world transformed

Former President George Bush and his national security advisor Brent Scowcroft provide behind-the-scenes accounts of some of the most significant international events of the twentieth century, including the Gulf War, the reunification of Germany, and the fall of the Soviet Union.
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