The Greenhaven Press companion to literary movements and genres

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American humor

Fifteen essays discuss various aspects of American humor throughout history, examining literary examples such as the works of Mark Twain, J. D. Salinger, and Kurt Vonnegut; also includes a chronology and a bibliography.

Harlem Renaissance

Contains critical articles which analyze important literary works from the Harlem Renaissance and provide information about the genre's most influential writers and works.


Contains critical articles which analyze important literary works in the satire genre, profiling major authors and their works, and detailing the social, political, and philosophical trends that influenced them.


An anthology of essays on postmodernism, presenting an overview of the genre, looking at the different types of postmodernism, examining specific postmodern works and their authors, and including criticisms of postmodern theory.


Contains a variety of critical articles that analyze important literary works in the fantasy genre, chronicles its development, and explores the impact fantasy works have had on different cultures.

Science fiction

Nineteen essays by such writers as Brian W. Aldiss, Philip K. Dick, Erich Fromm, and Ursula K. Le Guin examine science fiction's place within the literary tradition and its movements, literary conventions, themes, and assessment. Also includes a chronology and a bibliography.


An anthology of essays on horror writing, providing an overview of the genre, exploring the characteristics of the gothic novel, examining three classic horror novels, and looking at the lives and works of four modern masters of horror, including H.P. Lovecraft, Stephen King, Anne Rice, and Clive Barker.

Fairy tales

Twenty-one essays examine the genre of fairy tales, covering their characteristics, their influence on literature, fairy tale analysis, assessment of the genre, and fairy tale writers and collections; also includes a chronology and a bibliography.

Elizabethan drama

Contains critical articles that analyze literary works from the Elizabethan era and describe the social, philosophical, and political trends that influenced Elizabethan writers.
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