The information series on current topics

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Death and dying

end-of-life controversies
Contains information and statistics on topics related to end-of-life issues, providing a brief history of death, examining the definition of death, and covering ethical and medical considerations, seriously ill children, suicide, euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, advance directives, legal decisions, health care costs, increased life-span, and public opinion.


leisure in American society
Provides contemporary and historical information, including statistics, on several types and aspects of recreation in the U.S., including outdoor activities, the arts and media, popular sports, gambling, travel, recreation costs, and the role of recreation in American society.


a changing role in American society
Presents facts, tables, charts, and statistics on several aspects of minority life in the U.S., covering such topics as families and living arrangements, occupations, income, education, health, and political participation.

The health care system

Provides contemporary and historical information, including statistics, on several aspects of the U.S.'s health care system, including practitioners, institutions, quality, cost, insurance, comparisons with other countries, and public opinion.

Growing up in America

Provides contemporary and historical information, including statistics, on several aspects of children and their maturation in the U.S., including birth rates and trends, family and living arrangements, child care, health and safety, education, teen sexuality, economics, recreation, and attitudes.

Death and dying

who decides?
Provides contemporary and historical information, including statistics, on several aspects of death and dying in the U.S., including the definition of "death, " ethical and medical considerations, seriously ill children, assisted suicide, and health care costs.

Immigration and illegal aliens

blessing or burden?
A compilation of primary and secondary source materials, including charts, graphs, quotes, and articles, that provide information about the history, laws, and costs of immigration and illegal aliens in America.

Homeless in America

how could it happen here?
Provides up-to-date information on the homeless in America, discussing poverty levels, causes of homelessness, lack of affordable housing, public and government response to homelessness, and other related topics.

Growing old in America

Contains facts, tables, charts, and statistics that provide current and historical information about topics related to aging in America such as economic status, living arrangements, and driving, and provides a list of further resources and a directory of organizations.

Prisons and jails

a deterrent to crime?
A compilation of facts and statistics on prisons and jails in the U.S., covering such topics as corrections history, expenditures, juvenile confinement, inmate health, and parole.


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