Landmark law cases & American society

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The struggle for student rights

Tinker v. Des Moines and the 1960s
Addresses the issues that were raised regarding First Amendment freedoms during the Tinker v. Des Moines court case.

The Bakke case

race, education, and affirmative action
Studies the 1973 case in which Alan Bakke challenged a California medical school's policy of holding seats for minority students; and discusses the impact of the lawsuit on subsequent affirmative action programs.

The Pullman case

the clash of labor and capital in industrial America
Explores the conflict between labor and capital in late nineteenth-century America through an examination of union organizer Eugene V. Debs and his instigation of the worker strike against the Pullman Palace Car Company in Chicago.

When the Nazis came to Skokie

freedom for speech we hate
Examines events surrounding the proposed rally in 1978 of a handful of neo-Nazis in the primarily Jewish suburb of Skokie, Illinois, looking at the court case that was filed in protest against the rally, and discussing the actions of the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of the neo-Nazis and free speech.


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