motion pictures and history

Topical Term
motion pictures and history

High noon

the Hollywood blacklist and the making of an American classic
Profiles the film "High Noon," which waswritten and produ ced at the height of the Hollywood blacklist.

Twenty-six seconds

a personal history of the Zapruder film
The author, the granddaughter of Abraham Zapruder, reflects on her unique family story behind the Zapruder film, which captured the Kennedy assassination, and whose footage has had a lasting impact on the world.

American history on the screen

film and video resource
Presents reproducible worksheets and activities designed to help teachers improve their students' critical thinking skills using a wide range of film and video resources.

The Hollywood history of the world

from one million years B.C. to Apocalypse now

History goes to the movies

studying history on film
Explores how films have been made and used as a way to record and remember history, evaluating the many ways filmmakers, promoters, viewers, and scholars understand films as history.

History by Hollywood

the use and abuse of the American past
Studies the way in which the makers of commercial movies have dealt with history, focusing on eight films about real people and real situations from America's past, including "Mississippi Burning," "JFK," "Bonnie and Clyde," and "Norma Rae.".

Hollywood as historian

American film in a cultural context
A collection of essays that explore how Hollywood films have been used to highlight key events, themes, and policies that have influenced American culture.

Revisioning history

film and the construction of a new past

Reel v. real

separating fact from fiction in film


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