Davies, Robertson

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The cunning man

a novel
Cover image of The cunning man

The Deptford trilogy

Includes: The Fifth Business, The Manticore, and World of Wonders.

Fifth business

The first novel of the Deptford Trilogy which centers around the mystery of who killed Boy Staunton.

The manticore

David Staunton sets off on a journey of self-discovery and encounters a mysterious cast of characters that help him connect to his past and accept the death of his father.

World of wonders

The third novel in the Deptford Trilogy, which tells the story of master illusionist Magnus Eisengrim.

Conversations with Robertson Davies

A collection of interviews with the leading author in Canadian literature.

Fifth business

The story of five Canadians whose lives are joined together because of one badly aimed snowball.

The Cornish trilogy

A fantastical trilogy that revolves around an eccentric collector and philanthropist named Francis Cornish. In the first work, one of his finds, an ancient Rabelaisian manuscript, is stolen from a Toronto college library; in the second, two angels tell his life story; and in the third, he is discovered to have forged a painting.
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