geographical myths

Topical Term
geographical myths

The dictionary of imaginary places

Contains over 1,200 alphabetically arranged essays that provide information about the history and inhabitants of make-believe realms invented by storytellers from ancient times through the late twentieth century, including Shangri-La, Xanadu, Jurassic Park, and Neverwhere.

Hidden realms, lost civilizations, and beings from other worlds

The author examines documents, first-hand accounts, and legends surrounding ancient mysteries, fantasy lands, and extraterrestrial civilizations, discussing the lost continent of Atlantis, the psychic abilities of Edgar Cayce, and related topics.

Cities of gold

legendary kingdoms, quixotic quests, and the search for fantastic new world wealth
"The exploration for real and mythical treasures in the Americas"--Jacket.

J.R.R. Tolkien

artist & illustrator
Discusses the paintings, drawings, and sketches of J.R.R. Tolkien, author of The Lord of the Rings. Includes 200 reproductions of his art.

Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic

A collection of twenty myths and legends that revolve around vanishing or mysterious islands.

Heir to fire

Ryan has always been a little bit different, but he didn't realize how much until a portal to a lost city opens up in his town, letting in armies of Gila monsters and a sinister evil, leading Ryan to find out that he is the Prince to Fire.

The history of Atlantis

Seeking to dispel the mythology and ground the story of Atlantis in fact, Lewis Spence builds a case based on evidence from geographers, archaeologists, anthropologists, paleontologists, and explorers.

The Fortress of the Treasure Queen

Secrets of Droon #23
When Eric and friends go to confront the monster which has been destroying the villages of Droon, they meet an unexpected challenge.

The Box Man

A man decides to give up the self that he has been all his life to attain a state of blissful anonymity on the streets of Tokyo.


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