Contains over 1,200 alphabetically arranged essays that provide information about the history and inhabitants of make-believe realms invented by storytellers from ancient times through the late twentieth century, including Shangri-La, Xanadu, Jurassic Park, and Neverwhere.
The author examines documents, first-hand accounts, and legends surrounding ancient mysteries, fantasy lands, and extraterrestrial civilizations, discussing the lost continent of Atlantis, the psychic abilities of Edgar Cayce, and related topics.
Ryan has always been a little bit different, but he didn't realize how much until a portal to a lost city opens up in his town, letting in armies of Gila monsters and a sinister evil, leading Ryan to find out that he is the Prince to Fire.
Seeking to dispel the mythology and ground the story of Atlantis in fact, Lewis Spence builds a case based on evidence from geographers, archaeologists, anthropologists, paleontologists, and explorers.