heaney, seamus

heaney, seamus

A singing contest

conventions of sound in the poetry of Seamus Heaney
Analyzes the work of the Nobel Prize-winning Irish poet, Seamus Heaney, discussing his diction, meter, imagery, and generic form, and including readings of Heaney's elegies, pastoral eclogues, and sonnets.

Seamus Heaney

the making of the poet
Examines the early life of Irish poet Seamus Heaney as an Ulster Catholic, and discusses the factors that influenced his development as a writer.

Stepping stones

interviews with Seamus Heaney
Chronicles the life of twentieth-century Irish poet Seamus Heaney, from his infancy to his Nobel Prize in 1995, and also discusses his post-Nobel life, family, writings, and other related topics.

Seamus Heaney

searches for answers
A critical guide to the works of Seamus Heaney that covers his prose, poetry, and translations and discusses predominant themes, including aesthetics, politics, language, and more.

Seamus Heaney on the new Beowulf

Presents a discussion with Irish poet Seamus Heaney about his re-translation of the Anglo-Saxon epic "Beowulf" which tells the story of a Norse hero who saves Denmark's royal house from monsters.

Seamus Heaney

Provides a representative selection of critical essays on the works of Northern Irish poet Seamus Heaney, and includes a biographical profile, thematic and structural analyses, an index of themes and ideas, and a bibliography.
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