Eleven-year-old Stanley Buggle, happily anticipating a long summer vacation in the house he inherits from his great-uncle, discovers, soon after arriving in the seemingly peaceful village of Crampton Rock, that along with the house he has also inherited some sinister neighbors, a talking stuffed fish, and a host of mysteries surrounding his great-uncle's death.
Left at a New York boarding school by Aunt and Uncle Twice, eleven-year-old Emily finds horrors even greater than those she faced at Sugar Hill Hall, especially after she gets word that her inheritance is lost.
Shrek and Fiona want to move back to the swamp, but they first need to find and convince Arthur Pendragon that he is better suited to be king than Shrek.
Fairy doctor Lydia Carlton is rescued from kidnappers by Edgar Ashenbert, a descendent of the human ruler of the fairy world, and gets caught up in a dangerous quest to recover the sword of the Blue Knight Earl and help Edgar regain his birthright.
Twenty-four-year-old Jason Stevens attends the reading of his wealthy great-uncle's will, expecting some wealth to pass to him. Instead, he is given instructions for learning experiences he must complete over the following year, after which he stands to inherit the mysterious "Ultimate Gift.".
When strange events occur in his newly inherited manor house in Cornwall, England, Stephen, a teenager who was abandoned at birth, investigates the mystery and his family history using clues found in a travel journal kept by his great uncle Theo during his trip to the Amazon River region.
Seekvalley's wise woman, the Dollmage, chooses the lazy Renoa over the self-sacrificing Annakey as her successor, unknowingly setting Annakey on a painful path involving betrayal, violence, and brutal justice.
Battling aliens, space pirates, and competitors, Prince Khemri meets a young woman, named Raine, and learns more than he expected about the hidden workings of a vast, intergalactic Empire, and about himself.
When strange events occur in his newly inherited manor house in Cornwall, England, Stephen, a teenager who was abandoned at birth, investigates the mystery and his family history using clues found in a travel journal kept by his great uncle Theo during his trip to the Amazon River region.