Bozza, Anthony

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Not afraid

the evolution of Eminem
In 1999, a former dishwasher from Detroit named Marshall Bruce Mathers III became the most controversial and polarizing musical artist in the world. He was an outlier, a white artist creating viable art in a black medium, telling stories with such verbal dexterity, nimble wit, and shocking honesty that his music and persona resonated universally. In short, Eminem changed the landscape of pop culture as we knew it.
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Whatever you say I am

the life and times of Eminem
A portrait of rap artist Eminem examines the man behind the controversy and hype, chronicling his life story, rise to fame, music and lyrics, and important influence on modern-day pop culture.

Whatever you say I am

the life and times of Eminem
Examines the works, life, personality, and success of rap singer Eminem, focusing on the public's changing response to his music.
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