coral reef animals

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coral reef animals

Coral reef hideaway

the story of a clown anemonefish
A clown anemonefish, that lives in the delicate tentacles of a sea anemone, finds a mate; lays her eggs; and protects them from other coral reef animals until they hatch.

A city under the sea

life in a coral reef
Presents color pictures of a coral reef, following a sea turtle on its way back to the beach where it was born to show how the reef was formed and provide information on the many undersea creatures that live in and around the coral walls.

Coral reefs

An illustrated history of coral reefs, how they are formed, where they are found, and the importance of protecting them.

Fishy tales

Introduces various creatures that live in or near a coral reef, including sea horses, starfish, and dolphins.

Undersea city

a story of a Caribbean coral reef
A hermit crab searching for a new shell is carried by a wave from the shore to a coral reef, where he encounters many different kinds of creatures before trying to make his way back to the shore.

Secret seahorse

A sea horse leads the reader past coral reefs and underwater creatures to a sea horse family hidden in a cave. Includes notes on coral reefs and various marine animals.

One night in the coral sea

Presents a description of the process by which hundreds of coral participate in a mass spawning event each spring, on Australia's Great Barrier Reef, describing how they release their sperm and eggs into the ocean, are fertilized,then fend of various predators in the ocean.

Coral reef

Illustrations and text describe the plants and underwater creatures that can be found in one small square of the Great Barrier Reef.

Life in a coral reef

Explains how coral reefs form, tells what they are made of, and describes some of the animals that live in or around coral reefs.

Fish wish

A young boy's dream sends him on an underwater journey through a coral reef. Includes factual information on coral reefs and the animals that live in them.


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