Brown, Ethan

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Learning JavaScript

[add sparkle and life to your web pages]
"This is an exciting time to learn JavaScript. Now that the latest JavaScript specification--ECMAScript 6.0 (ES6)--has been finalized, learning how to develop high-quality applications with this language is easier and more satisfying than ever. This practical book takes programmers (amateurs and pros alike) on a no-nonsense tour of ES6, along with some related tools and techniques." -- From back cover.

Queens reigns supreme

Fat Cat, 50 Cent, and the rise of the hip-hop hustler
Re-creates the rise and fall of the drug dealers who dominated Queens in the 1980s and explores how those figures have be idealized by hip-hop artists.


informants, cooperators, & the corruption of justice
Examines the impact the War on Drugs has had on the criminal justice system, discussing how false testimony from witnesses, wrongful convictions, and the early return of "snitches" to the streets have undermined the government's efforts to stop street violence, drug sales, and crime.
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