christianity and literature

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christianity and literature

Book girl

a journey through the treasures and transforming power of a reading life
"[The author] discovered reading early on as a daily gift, a way of encountering the world in all its wonder. But what she came to realize as an adult was just how powerfully books had shaped her as a woman to live a story within that world, to be a lifelong learner, to grasp hope in struggle, and to create and act with courage. Here she draws readers into the life-giving journey of becoming a woman who reads and lives well"--OCLC.

On reading well

finding the good life through great books
"Takes readers on a guided tour through works of . . . literature both ancient and modern, exploring twelve virtues that philosophers and theologians throughout history have identified as most essential for good character and the good life. In reintroducing ancient virtues . . . , [the author] draws on . . . classical and Christian thinkers, including Aristotle, Aquinas, and Augustine. Covering authors from Henry Fielding to Cormac McCarthy, Jane Austen to George Saunders, and Flannery O'Connor to F. Scott Fitzgerald, [she] explores some of the . . . universal themes found in the pages of classic books, helping readers learn to love life, literature, and God through their encounters with great writing. In examining works by these authors and more, [she] shows why virtues such as prudence, temperance, humility, and patience are still necessary for human flourishing and civil society"--Provided by publisher.

The Puritan origins of American sex

religion, sexuality, and national identity in American literature
A collection of essays that track dynamics in American sexuality in relation to religion and national identity, as seen in American literature, since the Puritan movement of the seventeenth century.

Marvelous myths

Marvel superheroes and everyday faith
Compares the experiences of the modern comic book hero to real life challenges related to faith.

Walking with Frodo

A Devotional Journey Through The Lord of the Rings

The Narnian

the life and imagination of C.S. Lewis
Presents a biography of writer and religious philosopher C. S. Lewis, providing information on his childhood in Ireland, his literary influences, and his achievements in philosophy, theology, and fiction.


the hidden beliefs and coded politics of William Shakespeare
Reveals how William Shakespeare used the same common code many sixteenth-century dissident writers used to comment on the state of England in the sixteenth century.

Left behind or left befuddled

the subtle dangers of popularizing the end times
The extraordinary success of the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins shows that their action/adventure novels have tapped into the American psyche. It has revived our fascination with vivid images of the book of Revelation and other biblical texts: the Antichrist, the mysterious number 666, and people suddenly "raptured" into the sky by God. But is there something dangerous behind the thinking in these books and how they play out in our world today? In Left Behind or Left Befuddled, Gordon Isaac takes the reader inside the theology behind the series. In clear and accessible prose, Isaac answers many important questions that Christians have about the phenomenon that is Left Behind.

The world according to Narnia

Christian meaning in C.S. Lewis's beloved chronicles
Examines how the story lines and characters from C.S. Lewis's "Chronicles of Narnia" were influenced by biblical truth.

The screwtape letters

also includes "Screwtape proposes a toast"
C.S. Lewis's ironic guide to Christian morality, in which a devil named Screwtape advises his young devil nephew Wormwood on corrupting humanity in thirty-three letters and in a toast at the annual dinner of the Tempters' Training College in Hell.


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