conflict (psychology)

Topical Term
conflict (psychology)

I just don't like the sound of no!

Shows readers the steps to the fundamental social skills of accepting "no" and disagreeing appropriately. When RJ learns to use these skills the right way, he finds that rewards come his way, instead of arguments.

I just don't like the sound of no!

Shows readers the steps to the fundamental social skills of accepting "no" and disagreeing appropriately. When RJ learns to use these skills the right way, he finds that rewards come his way, instead of arguments.

When Miles got mad

Miles learns how to deal with his anger when little brother Max breaks his toy airplane.

Conflict Resolution: A Secondary school curriculum

This secondary school text on conflict resolution presents a radical idea: conflict is positive and can serve to enhance important relationships. In this text, teachers and students will learn how to become empowered to express and resolve their own conflicts. This text does not focus on the process of using courts, lawyers, or arbitrators to make decisions when disagreements arise. Rather, it is about how to mine the "gold" in a conflict through direct communication between disputants themselves (from guide).

My name is not dummy

Using a story about two friends, Jenny and Eduardo, explores the various ways Jenny might react when Eduardo calls her a dummy, and the consequences of her possible reactions.

I just don't like the sound of NO!

[my story about accepting 'no' for an answer and disagreeing ... the right way!]
Shows readers the steps to the fundamental social skills of accepting "no" and disagreeing appropriately. When RJ learns to use these skills the right way, he finds that rewards come his way, instead of arguments.

Managing conflict resolution

Discusses different types of conflict, offers exercises to assess individual responses to conflict, and presents advice for developing healthy, mature conflict resolution skills.

I just don't like the sound of no!

activity guide for teachers
Presents activities for teaching obedience to children.

My name is not dummy

Using a story about two friends, Jenny and Eduardo, explores the various ways Jenny might react when Eduardo calls her a dummy, and the consequences of her possible reactions.


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