assassination attempt, 1944 (july 20)

assassination attempt, 1944 (july 20)

The plot to kill Hitler

Dietrich Bonhoeffer : pastor, spy, unlikely hero
It was April 5, 1943, and the Gestapo would arrive any minute. Dietrich Bonhoeffer had been expecting this day for a long time. He had put his papers in order -- and left a few notes specifically for Hitler's men to see. Two SS agents climbed the stairs and told the boyish-looking Bonhoeffer to come with them. He calmly said good-bye to his parents, put his Bible under his arm, and left. Upstairs there was proof, in his own handwriting, that this quiet young minister was part of a conspiracy to kill Adolf Hitler. This account includes the discovery that Bonhoeffer was one of the first people to provide evidence to the Allies that Jews were being deported to death camps. It takes readers from his privileged early childhood to the studies and travel that would introduce him to peace activists around the world -- eventually putting this gentle, scholarly pacifist on a deadly course to assassinate one of the most ruthless dictators in history.
Cover image of The plot to kill Hitler


pastor, martyr, prophet, spy : a Righteous Gentile vs. the Third Reich
"Bonhoeffer gives witness to one man's extraordinary faith and to the tortured fate of the nation he sought to deliver from the curse of Nazism. It brings the reader face to face with a man determined to do the will of God radically, courageously, and joyfully-even to the point of death." provided by publisher.

Operation Valkyrie

the German generals' plot against Hitler

An honourable defeat

a history of German resistance to Hitler, 1933-1945
Provides an analysis of the resistance to Hitler in Nazi Germany.

Plotting Hitler's death

the story of the German resistance
Traces the history of assassination attempts against Hitler showing the existence of widespread resistance to the German leader throughout his reign.


an insider's account of the plot to kill Hitler
Hans Bernd Gisevius, who survived Hitler's retaliation after the failure of the Valkyrie conspiracy, discusses the anti-Hitler movement that began in 1933 and his recollections of the events and people involved in the planting of a bomb inside Adolf Hitler's headquarters, which exploded without killing Hitler.

Code name Valkyrie: Count von Stauffenberg and the plot to kill Hitler

A biography of the German general who organized the elaborate but ill-fated plot to assassinate Hitler and end the Second World War.


Details the author's participation as a cavalry officer for the German military during World War II, and how, after his patriotism shifted toward disgust due to the cruelty of the S.S., von Boeselager decided to join conspirators who were plotting to assassinate Adolph Hitler.
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