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How to think like a philosopher

twelve key principles for more humane, balanced, and rational thinking
"By now, it should be clear: in the face of disinformation and disaster, we cannot hot take, life hack, or meme our way to a better future. But how should we respond instead? In How to Think like a Philosopher, Julian Baggini turns to the study of reason itself for practical solutions to this question, inspired by our most eminent philosophers, past and present. Baggini offers twelve key principles for a more human, balanced, and rational approach to thinking: pay attention; question everything (including your questions); watch your steps; follow the facts; watch your language; be eclectic; be a psychologist; know what matters; lose your ego; think for yourself, not by yourself; make connections, not theories; and don't give up. Each chapter is chockfull of real-world examples showing these principles at work-from the discovery of penicillin to the fight for trans rights-and how they lead to more thoughtful conclusions. More than a book of tips and tricks (or ways to be insufferably clever at parties), How to Think like a Philosopher is an invitation to develop the habits of good reasoning that our world desperately needs"--.


what it is, why it seems scarce, why it matters
"[The author] rejects the cynical clich? that humans are simply an irrational species--cavemen out of time fatally cursed with biases, fallacies and illusions. After all, we discovered the laws of nature, lengthened and enriched our lives and set the benchmarks for rationality itself. Instead, he explains, we think in ways that suit the low-tech contexts in which we spend most of our lives, but fail to take advantage of the powerful tools of reasoning we have built up over millennia: logic, critical thinking, probability, causal inference, and decision-making under uncertainty . . . Rationality matters. It leads to better choices in our lives and in the public sphere, and is the ultimate driver of social justice and moral progress"--Google Books.


Presents the eighteenth-century social satire of a gentle and kind man who is thrashed by fate and his fellow man yet continues to believe that he lives in "the best of all possible worlds." Includes background information, explanatory notes, author chronology, and critical analysis.
Cover image of Candide


The story of a simple, optimistic man whose travels take him from one disaster to another.


Unlike a superhero, Soloma?n does not need to use supernatural powers to succeed; instead, he uses common sense.
Cover image of Soloma?n

Enlightenment now

the case for reason, science, humanism, and progress
Explores how to confront social problems and continue progress through the application of Enlightenment era ideals, including reason, science, and humanism.


"In a village governed by strict religious dogmas lives a girl named Henni. Unlike most, Henni is special as she dares to question the way things and instead relies on reason. Dissatisfied with her lot in life, Henni strikes out in a search for the truth, adventure and more"--Jkt. flap.

Thinking it through

Discusses how scientists use reasoning and logical thinking to do their work. Explains how Venn diagrams provide a logical way to classify data. Teaches how to recognize valid conclusions by examining if-then statements. Explains how to interpret graphs to explain relationships between different living things, and how changes in environments can be influenced by humans.

You are not so smart

why you have too many friends on Facebook, why your memory is mostly fiction, and 46 other ways you're deluding yourself
McRaney reveals that every decision we make, every thought we contemplate, and every emotion we feel comes with a story we tell ourselves to explain them. But sometimes those stories aren't true.

Descartes' error

emotion, reason, and the human brain


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