Library of the world's myths and legends

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Celtic mythology

Chinese mythology

Discusses the myths and gods of ancient China and their sources.

South American mythology

Includes myths representing South American culture and art forms they have inspired.

The illustrated dictionary of Greek and Roman mythology

Describes the themes, characters, and legends of Greek and Roman mythology.

African mythology

Presents the mythology of sub-Saharan Africa, including beliefs on creation, birth, death, and oracles, with texts of some legends and animal fables.

North American Indian mythology

Collection of North American Indian myths presenting principal deities and heroes, as well as typical beliefs of each region.

Roman mythology

Discusses the origins and development of Roman religion, its close ties with Roman history, and its ultimate capitulation to Christianity.

Japanese mythology

Discusses the mythology of Japan, its origins in Shintoism and Buddhism, and the gods, spirits, men, and animals that appear in the many legends and stories.

Egyptian mythology

Describes the gods and goddesses and the religious practices of the early Egyptians.

Greek mythology

Discusses the various origins of the Greek myths, and tells stories of the Greek gods and heros, tracing the development of the myths from primitive to sophisticated versions.


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