Sketches the life of the "Wizard of Menlo Park," the man who patented more than one thousand inventions, the most important of which was the electric light bulb.
Examines the life and accomplishments of Alexander Graham Bell, from his early interest in communication and electric tone transmissions to his development of the telephone and his aid to the deaf.
Describes how inventors think and work, explains how one invention--plastic--has changed the world, and briefly discusses seventy-five other important inventions, from the jet engine to the potato chip.
Tells the story of how women throughout the ages have responded to situations confronting them in daily life by inventing such items as correction fluid, space helmets, and disposable diapers.
A biography of the Canadian-born African-American who studied engineering in Scotland and patented over fifty inventions despite the obstacles he faced because of his race.
A biography of the half-Dutch/half-black Surinamese man who, despite the hardships and prejudice he found in his new Massachusetts home, invented a shoe-lasting machine that revolutionized the shoe industry in the late nineteenth century.