Explore the many ways in which your everyday food choices can determine your well being and include facts, figures, and data, and are packed with useful information about protecting and improving your health.
Every munch and crunch of our lunch makes its way through our digestive systems! How does our body break down food into energy? This innovative book gives readers an inside look at this essential bodily process.
Students will learn about the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the organelles that support a cell's functions, and the history of cell research from its discovery to current debates about the use of stem cells.
This volume delves into the structure, function, and interrelationships of these components of life. Sidebars on chemists, molecular biologists, and researchers link the biochemical discoveries of the past with the latest scientific advancements and their applications in health and medicine.
"The human body has thousands of types of proteins, all of which play vitally important functions. While the body produces some of the amino acids it needs, the rest must be supplied through diet. This informative introduction explains what proteins are, the various tasks they enable, their diverse dietary sources, and what can result from consuming too much or too little protein. Sidebar boxes define key vocabulary words or contain questions to spur critical thinking. This book is great for both science and health collections"--Provided by the publisher.
Presents a discussion, with photographs and simple text, of foods within the meat and protein food group that are good for one's health, covering options such as peanut butter, turkey, bacon, and beans.