Introduces the life of Nellie Bly who, as a "stunt reporter" for the New York World newspaper in the late 1800s, championed women's rights and traveled around the world faster than anyone ever had.
Nellie Bly and Elizabeth Bisland's history-making race around the world
Goodman, Matthew
Recounts the race between newspaper reporters Nellie Bly and Elizabeth Bisland, to travel around the world in eighty days or less on their own in 1889.
Victorian Age detective, reporter, and feminist Nellie Bly accepts Jules Verne's challenge to beat his record of traveling around the world in eighty days, but must call her investigative skills into play when murder seems to plague her journey.
Parallel biographies of two women who used their journalistic skills to fight against unjust treatment based on sex and race in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century America.