arbitration and award

Topical Term
arbitration and award

Hot coffee

is justice being served?
Analyzes and discuses so called "frivolous law suits" and the impact of tort reform on the United States judicial system. Discusses several cases and relates each to tort reform in the U.S.: Liebeck v. McDonald's Restaurants (public relations campaign to instigate tort reform); Colin Gourley's malpractice lawsuit and caps on damages; the prosecution of Mississippi Justice Oliver Diaz and judicial elections; Jamie Leigh Jones v. Halliburton Co. and mandatory arbitration. Exposes how corporations spent millions on a propaganda campaign to distort Americans' view of lawsuits, forever changing the civil justice system. From the infamous case of the woman who sued McDonalds over spilled coffee to the saga of the Mississippi Supreme Court Justice deemed 'not corporate enough' by business interests, this program tears apart the conventional wisdom about 'frivolous lawsuits.'.

Mediating dangerously

the frontiers of conflict resolution
Examines several obstacles to conflict resolution and explains to professional mediators how to take risks to facilitate fundamental changes in the parties involved, discussing such topics as fear, apathy, dishonesty, desire for revenge, spirituality, forgiveness, fascism, and conflict resolution systems design and the United Nations.

Becoming a mediator

your guide to career opportunities
Contains a guide to pursuing a career in mediation, and includes practical advice on what mediators do, where to get training and certification, and sample rules and standards of conduct. Includes appendix and index.

Mediate, don't litigate

[strategies for successful mediation]

Becoming a mediator

an insider's guide to exploring careers in mediation

Mediate, don't litigate

how to resolve disputes quickly, privately, and inexpensively--without going to court
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