leaves of grass

leaves of grass

Leaves of grass

America's lyric-epic of self and democracy
Provides in-depth analysis of the literary work Leaves of Grass, as well as its importance and critical reception. Includes a chronology of the life and works of the author.

Leaves of grass

first and "death-bed" editions : additional poems
Whitman employs the cadence of simple, even idiomatic speech to "sing" national identity. Throughout his prolific career, Whitman continually revised and expanded Leaves of Grass, which went through nine editions. This volume include the first edition, the final, authorized "Death-Bed" edition, and selections of the best poems from preceding editions and other sources. Annotation. Whitman employs the cadence of simple, even idiomatic speech to "sing" national identity. Throughout his prolific career, Whitman continually revised and expanded Leaves of Grass, which went through nine editions. This volume include the first edition, the final, authorized "Death-Bed" edition, and selections of the best poems from preceding editions and other sources. Annotation. Whitman employs the cadence of simple, even idiomatic speech to "sing" national identity and destiny, philosophy and spiritualism, and frank autobiography. Throughout his prolific writing career, Whitman continually revised and expanded Leaves of Grass--which went through nine editions! This volume is the first to include the first edition, and the final, authorized "death-bed" edition, as well as a deft selection of poems which were eventually omitted.

The Walt Whitman reader

selections from Leaves of grass
A collection of poems from Walt Whitman's collection "Leaves of Grass" with essays by T.S. Elliot and D.H. Lawrence.

Leaves of grass

America's lyric-epic of self and democracy
Comprehensive study of Leaves of Grass showing how Whitman fashioned his work into America's "lyric-epic" of the self and of democracy.

Leaves of grass

notes, including life and background, a Whitman chronology, critical commentaries, critical analysis, The Quintessential American poet, Whitman's achievement, selected bibliography
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