gore, albert

gore, albert

Bush v. Gore

the court cases and the commentary
Presents the Florida and U.S. Supreme Court cases of November and December 2000 regarding the presidential election, along with more than sixty pieces of commentary written by journalists and scholars.

Our purpose

the Nobel Peace Prize lecture 2007
Presents the text of former U.S. vice-president Al Gore's acceptance speech upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for his work to focus the world's attention on the problem of global warming.

Supreme injustice

how the high court hijacked election 2000
Explores the Supreme Court's decision to end the 2000 presidential election, discussing how the decision was reached and how it will affect the future of politics.

Jews for Buchanan

did you hear the one about the theft of the American presidency?
Draws from newspaper articles, political cartoons, election-related documents, and Web sites to provide an indictment of the 2000 presidential election, and support for the author's contention that Al Gore, and not George W. Bush, really won the contest.

The betrayal of America

how the Supreme Court undermined the constitution and chose our president

Al Gore

A brief introduction to the life and achievements of Al Gore that discusses his childhood, influences, significant events, obstacles, environmental activism, and other related topics.

The accidental president

how 413 lawyers, 9 Supreme Court justices, and 5,963,110 (give or take a few) Floridians landed George W. Bush in the White House
Offers a behind-the-scenes look at the events surrounding the 2000 presidential election, explaining how the thirty-seven days during which the election results were contested changed the nation's view of politics and government.

Al Gore

vice president of the United States
Describes the life and career of the politician who has been called the "Environmental Vice President.".

Inventing Al Gore

a biography
A biography of Al Gore, vice-president of the United States, looking at his lonely childhood as the son of politically ambitious parents, the disparity between his personal warmth and public caution, and other aspects of his life and career.

Bush v. Gore

the Florida recounts of the 2000 presidential election
Explores the facts and controversy of the 2000 Florida presidential election recount, as well as the Supreme Court Case that decided George W. Bush the winner.


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