Roza, Greg

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the sea urchin and other animals with spikes
An introduction to sea urchins that describes their physical characteristics and defense mechanisms, and discusses other animals that have spikes.


the skunk and other stinky animals
Provides an overview of various stinky animals, covering the skunk, stink bugs, some types of snakes, and more.


the spitting cobra and other venomous animals
Provides an overview of various poisonous animals, covering spitting cobras, scorpion fish, gila monsters, and platypuses.


the electric eel and other electric animals
Provides an overview of various animals that use electric shocks to ward off prey, covering electric eels, electric rays, knife fish, and stargazers.


the great white shark and other animals that bite
Provides an overview of various animals with a strong bite, including the great white shark, polar bears, the saltwater crocodile, and the piranha.

David Beckham

soccer superstar
A brief introduction to the life and achievements of David Beckham that focuses on his soccer career, discussing his family, childhood, success as a professional player, and work with UNICEF.
Cover image of David Beckham

Rocks, sand, and soil

Simple text and pictures explore how rocks, soil, and sand form and are shaped, briefly covering such topics as erosion.
Cover image of Rocks, sand, and soil

The skeletal system

An illustrated introduction to the skeletal system.


An introduction to beavers, discussing their life cycle, how they are destructive, and their role in the natural environment.
Cover image of Beavers

The Karankawa of Texas

Presents an introduction to the Karankawa Indian tribe of Texas, including information on their history, culture, and daily life, as well as describing their encounters with Europeans.
Cover image of The Karankawa of Texas


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