Studying the world's religions -- Primal religious traditions -- Hinduism -- Buddhism -- Jainism -- Sikhism -- Confucianism -- Taoism -- Zen Buddhism -- Shinto -- Ancestors of the West -- Judaism -- Christianity -- Islam -- Religion in the modern world.
An in-depth look at what it means to be a Muslim in the 21st century
The events of September 11th left many Americans asking how such atrocities could be perpetrated in the name of religion: specifically Islam. This video explores the influence of culture and politics on religion, and provides a deeper understanding of the political forces at work among Muslims around the world.
A brief introduction to the history, context, core beliefs, and practices of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shinto, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Sikhism; with chapter quizes and a final exam.
Examines the effects of modernity and globalization on the daily practice by believers of the world's major religions, covering aspects of the current international situation and developments in religious life around the world and other related topics.