Walton, Jo

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Young Girolamo's life is a series of miracles. It's a miracle that he can see demons, plain as day, and that he can cast them out with the force of his will. It's a miracle that he's friends with Pico della Mirandola, the Count of Concordia. It's a miracle that when Girolamo visits the deathbed of Lorenzo "the Magnificent," the dying Medici is wreathed in celestial light, a surprise to everyone, Lorenzo included. It's a miracle that when Charles VIII of France invades northern Italy, Girolamo meets him in the field, and convinces him to not only spare Florence but also protect it. It's a miracle than whenever Girolamo preaches, crowds swoon. It's a miracle that, despite the Pope's determination to bring young Girolamo to heel, he's still on the loose...and, now, running Florence in all but name. That's only the beginning. Because Girolamo Savanarola is not who--or what--he thinks he is. He will discover the truth about himself at the most startling possible time. And this will be only the beginning of his many lives.

Among others

Morwenna Phelps, sent to boarding school in England after a magical battle with her half-mad mother that left her crippled and her twin sister dead, tries to find a circle of magic-minded friends, alerting her mother to her whereabouts and bringing about a reckoning.

The just city

Created as an experiment by the time-traveling goddess Pallas Athene, the Just City is a planned community, populated by over ten thousand children and a few hundred adult teachers from all eras of history, along with some handy robots from the far human future?all set down together on a Mediterranean island in the distant past. The student Simmea, born an Egyptian farmer's daughter sometime between 500 and 1000 A.D, is a brilliant child, eager for knowledge, ready to strive to be her best self. The teacher Maia was once Ethel, a young Victorian lady of much learning and few prospects, who prayed to Pallas Athene in an unguarded moment during a trip to Rome?and, in an instant, found herself in the Just City with grey-eyed Athene standing unmistakably before her.

My real children

Patricia Cowan, living in a nursing home, forgets things that she should know and remembers things that seem impossible. She has memories from two lives and two worlds, with different versions of modern history, but is uncertain which life is real.


In this alternative to history series, eight years have passed since the upper-crust "Farthing Set" has overthrown Churchill and led Britain into a separate peace with Hitler. As they gather for a weekend retreat, one of their own is found murdered with a yellow Star of David pinned to his chest. Whoever is behind the murder hoped that one of their number would be framed for the crime. But the principal investigator from Scotland Yard has other ideas.


In this sequel to Farthing, Inspector Carmichael has just come off the Farthing case and has been assigned to a bombing which killed leading actress Lauria Gilmore. Meanwhile Viola Lark has been chosen to act Hamlet in a gender-switching production of the play following Gilmore's untimely death and is drawn into a plot to kill Hitler at the opening night of the play, along with Prime Minister Mark Normanby, the lead figure in the increasingly fascistic government.

Half a crown

In this tale of alternative history, 1941 saw the European war end in the Farthing Peace, an accord reached between Britain and Nazi Germany. Flash forward to 1960 and now a global peace conference is convening in London where Britain, Germany, and Japan will oversee the final partition of the world. Amidst all this, two people of the realm will unite to oppose the fascists: a debutante and the Commander of the Watch, who oversees the British secret police.

Tooth and claw

A family of dragons is torn apart by their father's deathbed confession, leading to shattered loyalties and deadly confrontations.

Among others

Startling, unusual, and irresistibly readable, Among Others is at once the compelling story of a young woman struggling to escape a troubled childhood, a brilliant diary of first encounters with the great novels of modern fantasy and science fiction, and a spellbinding tale of escape from ancient enchantment.

Among others

Morwenna Phelps, sent to boarding school in England after a magical battle with her half-mad mother that left her crippled and her twin sister dead, tries to find a circle of magic-minded friends, alerting her mother to her whereabouts and bringing about a reckoning.
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