Bergreen, Laurence

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Marco Polo

from Venice to Xanadu
The author draws upon original sources to explore the travels and adventures of Marco Polo, and examines the controversies that surround his legendary journeys to the Far East.

Over the edge of the world

Magellan's terrifying circumnavigation of the globe
Ferdinand Magellan spent three years circumnavigating the globe in the sixteenth century. This book brings his tale of discovery to life and notes that it changed history and the way explorers would navigate oceans in the future.


the man and the era
Biography of Chicago criminal Al Capone discussing his life, criminal activity, the complex personality of the man, and the Prohibition era.

Louis Armstrong

an extravagant life
Chronicles the life of American jazz performer and composer from his life as a young trumpet player in the bordellos of New Orleans, to his rise to become one of the most noted jazz performers of the twentieth century. Includes a listing of his jazz recordings.


the four voyages
Chronicles the voyages of Columbus after his famous 1492 landfall in the Americas, explaining how they reflected Columbus's uncanny navigational skills before taking an extreme toll on his health and personal circumstances.


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