teacher effectiveness

Topical Term
teacher effectiveness

Video in teacher learning

through their own eyes

10 mindframes for leaders

the visible learning approach to school success
"Introduces important leadership practices for the Visible Learning framework and explains why teachers should use this book as a guide. This book will include contributions from world renowned education thought leaders on the topic of leadership"--Provided by publisher.

Instructional rounds in education

a network approach to improving teaching and learning
Presents a guide to using a new form of professional learning known as instructional rounds networks, which is designed to help education leaders and practitioners developa shared practice of observing, discussing, and analyzing high-quality instruction.
Cover image of Instructional rounds in education

The art of teaching

best practices from a master educator
Teaching is more than a job--it's a responsibility, one of the greatest responsibilities in civilized society. Teachers lay bare the mysteries of the world; train minds to explore, question, investigate, and discover; and ensure that knowledge is not lost or forgotten but passed on to future generations. Teachers shape lives in limitless ways, both inside and outside of the classroom. But teaching is no easy task. It's an art form that requires craft, sensitivity, creativity, and intelligence. Whether the classroom consists of 3 students or 300, it's important to be as effective and successful a teacher as possible, both for the students and for professional and personal growth. This course is designed to help develop and enhance teaching style; provide methods, tools, and advice for handling all manner of teaching scenarios; and help viewers achieve new levels of success as teachers.
Cover image of The art of teaching

The data teams experience

a guide for effective meetings
A guide for professional learning communities to creating a data team to evaluate student performance, and instructional strategies.
Cover image of The data teams experience

Teaching in the flat world

learning from high-performing systems
Cover image of Teaching in the flat world

Leading professional learning teams

a start-up guide for improving instruction
Cover image of Leading professional learning teams

Collective efficacy

how educators' beliefs impact student learning
"Collective efficacy (CE) ... [is] the belief that, through collective actions, educators can influence student outcomes and increase achievement. [Donohoo argues that] educators with high efficacy show greater effort and persistence, willingness to try new teaching approaches, and attend more closely to struggling students' needs. This book presents practical strategies and tools for increasing student achievement by sharing: rationale and sources for establishing CE, conditions and leadership practices for CE to flourish, [and] professional learning structures/protocols"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Collective efficacy

Instructional coaching

a partnership approach to improving instruction


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