Kleon, Austin

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Keep going

10 ways to stay creative in good times and bad
". . . offers . . . ten simple rules for how to stay creative, focused, and true to yourself--for life"--Publisher.

Show your work!

10 ways to share your creativity and get discovered
Offers ten ways to share your creativity and get discovered, addressing such topics as self-promotion, self-discovery, and taking advantage of the network instead of "networking.".
Cover image of Show your work!

Newspaper blackout

Poet and cartoonist Austin Kleon has discovered a new way to read between the lines. Armed with a daily newspaper and a permanent marker, he constructs through deconstruction?eliminating the words he doesn't need to create a new art form: Newspaper Blackout poetry.

Steal like an artist

10 things nobody told you about being creative
An inspirational guide to unlocking creativity in the digital age, providing ten principles to help readers discover their artistic side and lead a more creative life.
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