McNeil, Gretchen

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Three Drops of Blood

a Novel
"Seventeen-year-old Kate Williams is willing to do whatever it takes to get her acting career back on track, even if that means getting a boring office job to support herself--but when she witnesses a double murder in the office across from hers, will she be able to get anyone to believe her before she becomes the next victim?"--OCLC.


Seventeen-year-old Becca auditions for a new, non-lethal reality show featuring Painiacs, hoping to prove that her deceased mother was not Alcatraz 2.0 executioner, Molly Mauler.


"When contestants in an escape room challenge start being killed, seventeen-year-old Persey must solve a series of bizarre and gruesome puzzles, riddles, and games to make it out alive"--OCLC.

Dig two graves

"While at a girls' empowerment camp, high school pariah Neve and her new best friend Diane joke about killing each other's bullies, and soon after returning home, Neve finds herself being blackmailed into committing murder"--OCLC.


When contestants in an escape room challenge start being killed, seventeen-year-old Persey must solve a series of bizarre and gruesome puzzles, riddles, and games to make it out alive.
Cover image of #NoEscape


Seventeen-year-old Becca auditions for a new, non-lethal reality show featuring Painiacs, hoping to prove that her deceased mother was not Alcatraz 2.0 executioner, Molly Mauler.
Cover image of #MurderFunding


Falsely accused of murdering her stepsister, seventeen-year-old Dee fights to survive paid assassins on Alcatraz 2.0, the most popular prison on social media.
Cover image of #MurderTrending


"Ten teens head to a house party at a remote island mansion off the Washington coast only for them to be picked off by a killer one by one"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Diez


In the near future, citizens can enjoy watching the executions of society's most infamous convicted felons, streaming live on The Postman app from the prison island Alcatraz 2.0. Dee Guerrera wakes up in a haze, lying on the ground of a dimly lit warehouse, about to be the next victim of the app, found guilty of murdering her stepsister. But Dee refuses to roll over and die for a heinous crime she didn't commit. Her newly formed posse, the Death Row Breakfast Club, needs to prove she's innocent before she ends up murdered for the world to see. That's if The Postman's cast of executioners don't kill them off one by one, first. -- adapted from jacket.
Cover image of #MurderTrending

I'm not your manic pixie dream girl

"After her boyfriend breaks up with her for another girl, Bea reinvents herself as a manic pixie dream girl to win him back"--.


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