libraries and schools

Topical Term
libraries and schools

Bringing Genius Hour to your library

implementing a schoolwide passion project program
"'Genius Hour' is a name for a movement in education where students are allowed to regularly use a portion of class time to learn about whatever they want in school. [This book] is meant to provide information pertaining to elementary and secondary school librarians, guidance on how to initiate and manage a school-wide Passion Project program in the library, and develop the solidly coherent, meaningful library program"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Bringing Genius Hour to your library

The school librarian as curriculum leader

"[Examining the] role of school librarians in student success, this instructional guide offers ... [librarians guidance] to develop, align, and evaluate curriculum with your library collection in mind. Includes charts, tables, models, and discussion questions ... Features specific process examples for effective collection development [and] explains both horizontal and vertical curriculum mapping"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The school librarian as curriculum leader

Library partnerships

making connections between school and public libraries
Explores partnership opportunities for schools and public libraries, and provides advice on connecting and collaborating to improve youth programs.


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