foreign intervention, 1857-1861

Geographic Name
foreign intervention, 1857-1861

Rebels of the heavenly kingdom

a novel
Abducted from his home by bandits, fifteen-year-old Wang Lee is rescued from slavery by a mysterious girl who introduces him to the Taiping Tienkuo, a secret society partly based on Christian principles and dedicated to the overthrow of the Manchu government.

Rebels of the heavenly kingdom

Abducted from his home by bandits, fifteen-year-old Wang Lee is rescued from slavery by a mysterious girl who introduces him to the Taiping Tienkuo, a secret society partly based on Christian principles and dedicated to the overthrow of the Manchu government.

The Opium Wars

the addiction of one empire and the corruption of another
Chronicles the causes of the Opium Wars between Britain and China during the nineteenth century,.and England's fight to keep China's ports open when the country attempted to ban the import and use of the drug.

Rebels of the heavenly kingdom

Abducted from his home by bandits, fifteen-year-old Wang Lee is rescued from slavery by a mysterious girl who introduces him to the Taiping Tienkuo, a secret society partly based on Christian principles and dedicated to the overthrow of the Manchu government.
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