Provides information about the geography, history, government, economy, people, and places of South Dakota, andincludes photographs, maps, sidebars, a time line, an almanac of state facts, and a gallery of famous South Dakotans.
Describes the land, homes, clothing, religion, and other aspects of the daily life and culture of the Comanche Native Americans, and includes color photos and illustrations, a glossary, and a further reading list.
Describes the land, homes, clothing, religion, and other aspects of the daily life and culture of the Seminole Native Americans, and includes color photos and illustrations, a glossary, and a further reading list.
A ten-year-old actress tells about her association with the Palo Alto Children's Theatre, the oldest children's theater in the United States, and her performance in their staging of Kipling's "Just So Stories.".
Provides information about the geography, history, government, economy, people, and places of South Dakota, and includes photographs, maps, sidebars, a time line, an almanac of state facts, and a gallery of famous South Dakotans.
Chan Lo, commanded by the Great Emperor of All China to carve a dragon of wind and fire from a perfect piece of jade, discovers the stone wants to be something else.
Describes the land, homes, clothing, religion, and other aspects of the daily life and culture of the Iroquois Native Americans, and includes color photos and illustrations, a glossary, and a further reading list.
When the Great Emperor of All China commands him to carve a Dragon of Wind and Fire in a piece of perfect jade, Chan Lo discovers the stone wants to be something else.