A Target book

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Heroes of the home run

Brief biographies of ten major league baseball stars well known for their outstanding batting records.

Big league pitchers and catchers

Profiles of such pitchers and catchers as Cy Young, Christy Mathewson, and Howard Ehmke and their unusual careers in professional baseball.

Coming back

Having recovered from a foot injury, Tom returns to the team for a hockey game.

The Founding Fathers

Biographies of three contemporaries who helped establish the United States as an independent nation: Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson.

Women who dared to be different

Brief biographies of four women who pioneered in professions traditionally reserved for men.

Indian patriots of the Great West

Brief biographies of four Indian chiefs: Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Chief Joseph, and Quanah Parker.

Men of the wild frontier

Brief biographies of four men instrumental in opening up new American frontiers.

They loved the land

Biographies of four people whose love of nature inspired them to superior achievements in their field: Rachel Carson, John Audubon, John Muir, and Luther Burbank.

The super showmen

Biographies of three men who achieved fame for their ability to entertain--one as a magician, one as a cowboy comedian and philosopher, and one as a producer of motion pictures and animated cartoons.


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