While one tractor sits on the grass, out of gas, increasing numbers of other vehicles, from two airplanes to ten bicycles, fill the backyard with adventure.
Presents an overview of the process of a mosquito bite, describing the different parts of a mosquito, and includes a combination of black-and-white photographs of children playing hide-and-seek and up-close, microscopic photos of actual mosquitos.
"Debunking myths about spiders, this book takes an extremely close look at these intriguing creatures that have both fascinated and terrified humans."--Publisher.
Text and photographs describe the culture and plight of the Waorani, an indigenous tribe of the Ecuadoran rain forest whose environment and way of life are threatened by the encroachment of the industrial world.
Text and photographs describe the culture and history of the Efe, a pygmy tribe living in the rain forests of equatorial Africa, and explain how their environment and way of life are threatened by the encroachment of the industrial world.
Describes the life cycles of Douglas Firs in the Pacific Northwest as they relate to ecological issues such as species diversity and air and water filtration.