Howe, Norma

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Shoot for the moon

The trip to Italy she wins in a yo-yo contest gives Gina a new perspective on relationships, responsibility, and herself.

Angel in Vegas

the chronicles of Noah Sark
A demoted guardian angel whose previous "assignment" was Princess Diana now finds himself enjoying the oddball diversions of Las Vegas in the body of a teenage boy, with a teenage girl as his newest charge.

The adventures of Blue Avenger

a novel
On his sixteenth birthday, still trying to cope with the unexpected death of his father, David Schumacher decides--or does he--to change his name to Blue Avenger, hoping to find a way to make a difference in his Oakland neighborhood and in the world.

The adventures of Blue Avenger

On his sixteenth birthday, still trying to cope with the unexpected death of his father, David Schumacher decides--or does he--to change his name to Blue Avenger, hoping to find a way to make a difference in his Oakland neighborhood and in the world.

Blue Avenger cracks the code

In his new identity as Blue Avenger, sixteen-year-old David visits Venice, Italy, and continues to pursue various crusades, including trying to solve the mystery of who really wrote Shakespeare's works.

The game of life

A girl's sixteenth year is an eventful one.

God, the universe, and hot fudge sundaes

a novel
Troubled by her younger sister's death and her parents' separation, sixteenyear-old Alfie makes friends with a college student named Kurt who helps her decide what she really believes about life, death, religion, and reason.

Blue Avenger and the theory of everything

While continuing to ponder the concepts of free will and time, Blue Avenger becomes involved in the schemes of a quirky multimillionaire that may determine not only Blue's financial future but also that of his girlfriend, Omaha Nebraska Brown.

Blue Avenger cracks the code

In his new identity as Blue Avenger, sixteen-year-old David visits Venice, Italy, and continues to pursue various crusades, including trying to solve the mystery of who really wrote Shakespeare's works.
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