card games

Topical Term
card games

Card games for dummies

Provides instruction for playing over twenty popular card games including gin rummy, hearts, solitaire, blackjack, and whist with sample hands and notes on strategy and tactics.

Cards for kids

Introduces a variety of card games, card tricks, and card trivia.

The New complete Hoyle

the authoritative guide to the official rules of all popular games of skill and chance
On t.p.: The authoritative guide to the official rules of all popular games of skill and chance.

Card games for children

Gives instruction for a variety of card games for one, two, three or more players.

21, bringing down the house movie tie-in

the inside story of six MIT students who took Vegas for millions
Describes how a group of overachieving, anarchist MIT students joined a decades-old underground blackjack club dedicated to counting cards and beating the system at major casinos around the world, managed to legally take several Las Vegas casinos for more than three million dollars.

A brand-new brawl

Julie loses her battle with Billy, but admires his skills, while Runo and Marucho want Shun's help in defeating Masquerade, but he only agrees to join their team if they can defeat him in a match.

Card games

Step-by-step directions and color illustrations explain the rules and strategy of nine card games.

Bringing down the house

the inside story of six MIT students who took Vegas for millions
Describes how a group of overachieving, anarchist MIT students joined a decades-old underground blackjack club dedicated to counting cards and beating the system at major casinos around the world, managed to legally take several Las Vegas casinos for more than three million dollars.

Lucky 13

solitaire games for kids
Forty-eight solitaire games, ranging in difficulty from beginner level to advanced. Each game is fully explained and illustrated with specialized words being defined in the glossary (p. 127-128).


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