Oke, Janette

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Too Long a Stranger

The sudden death of her husband had left Sarah Perry and her baby Rebecca alone in their small frontier town. The most difficult decision comes when Sarah determines that the best thing for her little daughter's future is to send her away to boarding school. When the day finally arrives that Rebecca comes home, both mother and daughter find themselves viewing each other from two differnt worlds.

Pordy's prickly problem

Young porcupine Pordy learns that to have a friend you must also be one.

Heart of the Wilderness

After being raised by her grandfather, a teenage Kendra is apprehensive about leaving the wilderness to face school and the unknowns of civilization.

A searching heart

The yearning deep inside her - to go somewhere, discover something, be a part of the world about her in a new way - would not go away. But what would satisfy it?.

Too long a stranger

Sarah Perry, hoping to provide her daughter with opportunities for a better life, sends Rebecca east to boarding school while she stays behind to run her late husband's freight-hauling business, but over the years the gulf between mother and daughter widens, and when Rebecca does finally come home, Sarah struggles to bridge the gap.


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