women boxers

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women boxers

My corner of the ring

a memoir from a champ
"The middle grade memoir of a girl boxer and future Olympian. In this Lean-In style inspirational memoir, twelve-year-old Jesselyn Silva offers a ringside seat to girl power and what it takes to win in the ring and in life: punch by punch. My Corner of the Ring shows kids what it means to be true to yourself and stick with your dreams even when facing adversity and ridicule. Supported by her single dad, Jesselyn (JessZilla in the ring) first donned her boxing gloves at five years of age, making her one of very few female boxers in the country. My Corner of he Ring charts Jesselyn's oft times exhilarating and heartbreaking journey to success in a male dominated sport where she struggles to find partners to spar with and combats the viewpoint that no one wants to see a girl fight. Despite an inhospitable environment, Jesselyn still has her sights set on the Olympics. With the help of her very dad, Pedro, who has instilled in her a strong work ethic, she just might make it. It is an exciting and motivational read that will provide kids with the roadmap and encouragement to accomplish whatever goals they set for themselves."--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of My corner of the ring


finding strength, spirit + personal power
Laila Ali, daughter of boxing legend Muhammad Ali, describes the difficulties she overcame in her childhood and on the road to becoming a successful boxer and provides guidance for readers on learning from mistakes and avoiding self-pity.
Cover image of Reach!

Laila Ali

A biography of boxer Laila Ali.

Muhammad Ali and Laila Ali

Profiles the lives and careers of Muhammad Ali and his daughter, Laila, and describes Ali's early boxing career, Olympic championship in 1960, outspoken protest against the Vietnam War, and Laila's decision to become a professional boxer.

Laila Ali

Presents a short biography of Laila Ali, daughter of boxing great Muhammad Ali, and chronicles her troubled childhood, entrance into boxing, and numerous victories in the ring.


finding strength, spirit + personal power

The Ring

Fifteen-year-old Mardie, who cannot seem to measure up to her father's expectations, finds a girls' boxing club at the local gym, and when she jumps in the ring, her wise and patient trainer Kitty teaches her about the value of strategy and mental discipline.

Laila Ali

Examines the life of Laila Ali, daughter of boxing legend Muhammad Ali, discussing her decision to follow in her father's footsteps and pursue a career in women's boxing.
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